
Ekrano Yacht : Hydrogen Powered Flying Yacht In 2025

If this yacht was real, it would have drawn the attention of many. It is a hydrogen-powered transportation, called Ekrano Yacht. This futuristic concept, created by designer Jaron Dickson is just a glance of a flying yacht headed for 2025. As we always think of novel ways to travel and develop our dynamic lives, Dickson’s forward thinking made him design the blue-sky concept that has liveability of a ship and convenience of an aeroplane. This project focuses on an efficient seatravel to protect the environment. With a capability to tackle waves of nearly 3.5 m, it can be used as a regular yacht as well when required.

Designer : Jaron Dickson

Ekrano Flying Yacht

Ekrano Flying Yacht

Ekrano Flying Yacht

Ekrano Flying Yacht

Ekrano Flying Yacht

Trên tay chiếc điện thoại Facebook "xịn" đầu tiên

Chú dế sở hữu giao diện đặc trưng với khả năng kết nối mạng Facebook liên tục và dễ dàng.

Hứa hẹn chinh phục toàn diện khách hàng hâm mộ mạng xã hội lớn nhất hành tinh hiện nay, INQ Cloud Touch sở hữu nhiều đặc trưng kỹ thuật đáng nể với khả năng kết nối Facebook liên tục và dễ dàng. Theo đó, chú dễ nhanh chóng đăng nhập trang “Home” của người dùng đăng ký, giao diện hấp dẫn, theo dõi cập nhật về tình trạng của bạn bè và nhiều cơ chế đa phương tiện linh hoạt khác.
Về mặt kỹ thuật, INQ Cloud Touch giới thiệu màn hình cảm ứng 3.5 inch độ phân giải 480 x 320 pixel, camera 5 Megapixel tự động lấy nét, chíp xử lý Qualcomm 7227 tốc độ 600MHz, nguồn pin dung lượng 1.300 mAh, khe cắm thẻ nhớ mở rộng microSD, các kết nối Wi-Fi 802.11b/g, Bluetooth, định vị toàn cầu GPS, đài FM Radio… Ngoài ra, INQ Cloud Touch sử dụng hệ điều hành Android 2.2 Froyo và khả năng truy cập gian ứng dụng trực tuyến Android Market.
Duy trì mức giá thấp rất hấp dẫn, INQ Cloud Touch sẽ đến tay người dùng móc ví 50 USD cho phiên bản ký hợp đồng sử dụng hoặc $250 cho phiên bản không cam kết. Máy sẽ được tung ra thị trường vào quý 3/2011.
Hiện tại Cloud Touch có 3 màu trắng, xanh dương và đen.

Trên tay chiếc điện thoại Facebook "xịn" đầu tiên.

Mobile sở hữu thiết kế thân thiện và đơn giản.

thiệu màn hình cảm ứng 3.5 inch độ phân giải 480x320 pixel.


Cạnh bên.

Nút nguồn, giắc cắm tai nghe và cổng kết nối microUSB.

Nút bấm nhanh.

Các đường nét bo tròn mềm mại.

Camera 5 chấm nhưng không có đèn flash trợ sáng.

Dòng chữ nhận diện thương hiệu INQ.

Viền màn hình màu đen.

Nước sơn bóng bẩy rất dễ lưu dấu vân tay.

Giao diện hệ điều hành Android 2.2.

Truy cập Facebook liên tục và dễ dàng.

Ba nút bấm kiểu cảm ứng nằm ngay dưới màn hình.

Giao diện lịch biểu.

Nhanh chóng đăng nhập trang “Home” của người dùng đăng ký.

What a Face!

The Orbo is a series of watches with unusual dials. The series includes the Temp, the Date and the Stop, all of which have orbiting digital displays mounted ontop of the regular analogue dial. The secondary displays feature temperature or date depending upon the model. However the Stop is a Chronograph and features a cluster of secondary displays. Overall the effect is quite cute enough to warrant production.

Designer: Zach Weiss

Psychedelic Waterflow

Now here’s a cool digital faucet that can perk up the ambience of your bathroom with its color coordinated flow. Casually called the Digital Faucet, the water color reflects the temperature; warm red means its hot and blue indicates a cold flow. It features four touchkeys for navigation, replacing the traditional lever system. It comes in an automatic shutdown model (for water saving) and features a time delay display for this purpose. In case you’re wondering, the faucet uses RGB LED lighting to indicate temperature colors. Pretty neat!

Designer: Christopher Yang for Effisystem

How to make a very Long Pencil, Lesson #3

On one hand we have the Continuous Pencil where the stub is fashioned to fit into a wooden stick to lengthen it. And on the other hand we have the simple 1 + 1 = 1 Pencil, where a plastic tube connects two stubs to make one long pencil. In Lesson #3 we have To Be Continued, a plastic extension with the added functionality of a sharpener. Once again designers iterating the need to use a pencil to it’s very last bit and I totally agree with them.

Designers: Cheng-Tsung Feng & Bo-Jin Wang

to be continued 60sec from Feng,Cheng-Tsung on Vimeo.

Calling all Students: Autism Connects Challenge


Calling all Students! Interested in communication solutions? Want to apply design-thinking to better utilize technologies? Ever hoped to have Yves Behar (fuseproject), Lisa Strausfeld (Pentagram), Richard Seymour (Seymourpowell) or our own Allan Chochinov (Core77) look at your work?

The "Autism Connects" technology and design competition challenges students to help individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to better connect with the world around them, and allow individuals who do not have ASD to better understand and connect with those who do. Even NFL Hall-of-Famer Dan Marino is getting into the cause! Help create real-world solutions for individuals with ASD and win $5000 in this international student competition! In addition, Autism Speaks will award creators (or one representative in the case of a team entry) of the top three designs a $1,000 stipend and registration fees to attend the 2011 International Meeting for Autism Research, to be held May 12 to 14, 2011 in San Diego, CA, where they will be invited to present their design concept. Get full contest info here or check out the brief after the jump.

BACKGROUND At some point in our lives, each of us will likely meet a person on the autism spectrum, or know someone who is touched by this complex condition. ASDs are prevalent worldwide, affecting nearly 1 percent of the population and 1 out of 70 boys. Although individuals on the autism spectrum vary enormously, in most instances difficulties in communication skills are one of the core challenges faced by those living with autism today. These difficulties can cover a wide spectrum, ranging from individuals with little to no speech, to those who may be fluid verbally yet have difficulty reading other people's intentions and emotions or understanding use of abstract language such as metaphors and analogies.

Designers are invited to produce new and innovative technology-based solutions to assist individuals with ASD in their communications with others and, in doing so, to increase the public's understanding of this unique and growing population. Design solutions should focus on improving communication on any of a number of levels: between individuals, within and between communities and their members, and among individuals without ASD so they can connect better with individuals who do.

Think creatively! Although designers may choose to explore web-based, tablet-based, mobile software or hardware solutions, technology-based solutions are not restricted to electrically- powered devices, and may include low-tech, innovative design solutions. Entries may be design concepts or fully realized solutions.

Aava Mobile Design Invitational :: Case Studies for Phase 2


Left - TWIST, by Alberto Villareal and AGENT / Right - Blackbox, by Thomas Valcke

Core77 was proud to work with Aava Mobile to create two distinct design invitational challenges. In the first phase, we combed through the 200,000+ portfolios on our site Coroflot.com to find the 5 most creative thinkers and sketchers in the world of consumer products. Each created sets of scenarios articulating the potential use-case scenarios of the mobile device. The second phase challenged one of the phase 1 participants as well as an additional designer to create more refined, rendered concepts closer to production pieces rather than blue-sky concepts. Both of the designers took the challenge seriously (and with delight) delivering incredible work that was both rigorous and imaginative. Core77 could not have been happier with the results, and we are gratified to continue making strong connections between designers and manufacturers.

As a celebration of the success of phase 2, we are publishing the case studies from each of the designers to share some of their learnings from this design invitational.