
The 2 fastest bikes in the U.S.

Posted on Thứ Hai, tháng 9 20, 2010 by Pro-ID group

I wasn’t sure about the order, but before the USA Cycling Pro Championship time trial started this morning, I had a pretty good idea who would end up on the top two steps of the podium. I knew it was going to be a great race, and it certainly didn’t disappoint with Taylor Phinney edging out Levi Leipheimer to win the Stars and Stripes jersey by less than a second. You can read more about the race elsewhere, but I want to share a few of my shots of the two bikes that were fastest today.

Below, you can see Taylor Phinney’s race winning Trek Livestrong Equinox TTX

The second fastest bike today was another Trek, this one belonging to Radio Shack’s Levi Leipheimer.

I have many more pictures from the time trial to post soon…and I’ll have photos from the road race tomorrow. Look for those in my Flickr stream soon.

Posted in Road.

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