
Bisynk Sink Reminds Us To Appreciate Our Easy Access to Safe and Clean Water

Posted on Thứ Hai, tháng 1 17, 2011 by Pro-ID group

Living in a country where we have abundant water resources can sometimes make us forget to appreciate it. In other part of the world, human survival is threatened by the shortage of water. Some people in Africa have to walk 4 miles or more in order to have access to water. The weightof water they can carry on their heads is about the average airport luggage. Jang Wooseok, a Korean industrial designer, has designed Bisynk, a sink where user have to put some effort in order to get the water from it. He wants us to appreciate water even more because there are still more than 1 billion people that don’t have adequate access to safe water. The sink doesn’t have any lever but a bicycle pedal. The rule is simple, just work the pedal to get the water.

Designer : Jang Wooseok








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