
Core77 Design Awards: The Video Testimonial

Posted on Thứ Ba, tháng 4 19, 2011 by Pro-ID group


Check out the sample videos here!

Submit a short Video Testimonial with your entry and take advantage of this unique opportunity to tell your real story directly to the jury.

One of the many unique features of the Core77 Design Awards, the video testimonial:

  • Gets the Point Across
    Video allows you to tell your story to the jury in a way that text and jpegs can't. Think of it as as a show-and-tell—holding up your design, demo-ing it, pointing out defining features, saying what's great about it.
  • Could Make That Difference
    More than a demo, the video testimonial is your chance to convey the intent behind your project, what you set out to do, and your belief in your design—why it's worthy of the world's attention and the jury's.
  • Is Simple to Do
    No need to go to any great lengths. Low-tech, informal, even straight-to-webcam, recordings are acceptable and encouraged. Or use Jingand images at your disposal with a voiceover. Your testimonial is the focus, not the execution, so just tell it like it is!
  • And Fun to Make
    Videos are intended to be a delightful, informative and personal addition to the required entry materials. Involve one or two team members, or the whole gang, a friend or peer, or go it alone. Either way, enjoy it.

Visit our Make A Video page to watch video samples that show you the many directions you could take in making a video (and what not to do to make it eligible) as well as handy tips and all-important rules.

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