
Core77 Design Awards Thanks Its Amazing Team

Posted on Thứ Bảy, tháng 7 30, 2011 by Pro-ID group

site_interiors.pngPhu Hoang Office and Rachely Rotem Studio, Exhale Pavilion, Professional Winner, Interiors/Exhibition Category

Awards programs are both about getting recognized by your peers and crediting your team and contributors. Ours was truly a collaborative project and we'd like to call out the talented and dedicated people who helped us build our first year from the ground up. Alex Lin of Studio Lindesigned our novel awards identity (created from a typeface by Dries Wiewauters) and produced our stellar call-for-entries poster and invitation.

Theo Richardson, Charles Brill and Alexander Williams of design studioRich Brilliant Willing explored different concepts for the trophy and designed the final artifact, an elegant mold that encourages creativity and recognizes teamwork.

Mark Noordmans and his team at Motorola Prototyping Servicessponsored and manufactured the trophy and we are grateful for their support and expertise.

Lucas Roy and Nate and Kirk Mueller of Studio Mercury produced our amazing awards site that not only presents the award-winning work, video testimonial gallery and jury line-up, but provided the stage for our 15 live jury announcement broadcasts.


Last but not least, we acknowledge and thank the following individuals who were pivotal to the creation and execution of our program from start to finish: Barbara Eldredge (fearless assistant extraordinaire), Mark Wieczorek (logistics and live broadcasting whiz), Deb Aldrich and Laura Des Enfants of D'NA Company (marketing and partnership geniuses), and Beth Dickstein and Karen Brooking from BDE (PR pros). From all of us at Core77 and the Design Awards Team, thank you for your inspiration and hard work, and for helping make our entry in the awards sphere a dynamic, meaningful and enjoyable one!

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