
Data Design Diabetes: An Innovation Challenge

Posted on Thứ Sáu, tháng 7 22, 2011 by Pro-ID group


Imagine a chronic disease, so widespread that it could affect 1 in 3 Americans by the year 2050. Currently 100 million people in the United States lives with diabetes. Sanofi-aventis U.S. believes combining Data, Diabetes, and Design will impact our nation's wellness significantly. The global health care provider is sponsoring the first-ever open innovation challenge combating the diabetes epidemic by integrating open data with a human-centered view into diabetes epidemic.

"Innovation" has many definitions—for this Challenge, they're not looking for the cleverest idea, the best eye-candy, the most bleeding-edge technology. They are looking for a solution that brings together the strength of insight enabled by open data sets and the empathetic connection provided through human-centered design to meaningfully help people living with diabetes in the United States.

Building on the spirit of a code-a-thon, the challenge casts the widest net for data-informed diabetes solutions, culls the best interventions and incubates the strongest ideas. This challenge is structured to drive entrepreneurship and innovation. The best and most human-centered ideas will be mentored by industry leaders, and all intellectual property and equity will remain the property of its creators. Total awards top $200k, and invaluable support will be provided for game-changing solutions.

Hurry, submissions end on July 30th but the good news is that the entry form is short! See full breakdown of the Awards after the jump and check out the schedule and jury, which includes Todd Park, the CTO of the United States Department of Health and Human Services!

5 semi-finalists:
» $20,000 to develop the concept into a prototype in 1 month
» Mentorship from industry leaders will be provided to each semi-finalist team

2 finalists:
» $10,000 to get feedback on the concept from a community over the period of 1 month

1 winner:
» $100,000 to develop the solution (no strings attached—all teams retain full IP and equity)

sanofi-aventis U.S. Innovation Challenge: Data Design Diabetes from Data Design Diabetes on Vimeo.

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