This is the moment you've been waiting for. Since launching the Core77 Design Awards program earlier this year, we've had an incredible outpouring of support and participation from all corners of the design community. Set your clocks because beginning next week, we'll be broadcasting LIVE over 10 days from eight countries with our distinguished judges announcing the winners from 15 categories.
July 12-22, 2011
10 Days. 15 Categories. Eight Countries. 74 Jurors. Live!!
Recognizing excellence in all areas of design enterprise, the Core77 Design Awards celebrates the richness of the design profession and its practitioners. For our inaugural year, we present 15 categories of entry, providing designers a unique opportunity to communicate the intent, rigor and passion behind their efforts. From client work to self-initiated projects, entrepreneurial to pro-bono engagements, we embrace a wide diversity of design enterprise: commercial, cultural, social, environmental, or discursive. We welcome projects in all these spheres and honor the time, effort and quality of the endeavors, no matter their provenance.
For this first program, dedicated jury teams based around the globe will be gathering in eight countries to judge 15 categories of design practice. Results of this year's awards program will be announced via Live Web Broadcasts. Drumroll please...And here is the broadcast schedule for the inaugural Core77 Design Awards.
**Please Note: All times and dates are based on Eastern Standard Time.
Tuesday, July 12th
@1PM ESTFURNITURE/LIGHTINGJudging location: LONDON, UKJury Team: Max Fraser [Jury Captain], Anthony Dickens, Laura Houseley, James Mair, Libby Sellers@8:30PM EST
NEVER SAW THE LIGHT OF DAYJudging location: BEIJING, CHINAJury Team: Aric Chen [Jury Captain], Ben Hughes, Ou Ning, Tewa Srilaklang
Wednesday, July 13th
@2PM ESTINTERACTIVE/WEB/MOBILEJudging location: AUSTIN, USAJury Team: Jon Kolko [Jury Captain], Jan Moorman, Todd Wilkens, Gregg Wygonik@6PM EST
DESIGN EDUCATION INITIATIVESJudging location: MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIAJury Team: Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall [Jury Captain], Dr. Deirdre Barron, Dr. Herman Pi'ikea Clark, Vince Dziekan, Russell Kennedy
Thursday, July 14th
@10AM ESTGRAPHICS/BRANDING/IDENTITYJudging location: NEW YORK CITY, USAJury Team: Steven Heller [Jury Captain], Arem Duplessis, Paula Scher, Bonnie Siegler, Mark Randall@7:40PM EST
SERVICE DESIGNJudging location: SYDNEY, AUSTRALIAJury Team: Fran Samalionis [Jury Captain], Craig Davis, Damian Kernahan, Iain McDonald, Oliver Weidlich
Monday, July 18th
@9PM ESTINTERIORS/EXHIBITIONJudging location: TOKYO, JAPANJury Team: Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham [Jury Co-Captains], Momoko Kishino, Hideyuki Nakayama, Jean SnowTuesday, July 19th
@9:30AM ESTSTRATEGY/RESEARCHJudging location: TURIN, ITALYJury Team: Mark Vanderbeeken [Jury Captain], Monica Dalla Riva, Eva Teruzzi, Lowie Vermeersch@4PM EST
PRODUCTS/EQUIPMENTJudging location: NEW YORK CITY, USAJury Team: Julie Lasky [Jury Captain], Harry Allen, Rama Chorpash, Zoe Coombes, Maria Popova
@6:30PM EST
DIY/HACK/MODJudging location: SAN FRANCISCO, USAJury Team: Christy Canida and Eric Wilhelm [Jury Co-Captains], Simone Davalos, Arwen O'Reilly Griffith, Jeffrey McGrew
@9:40PM EST
SOFT GOODS/APPARELJudging location: PORTLAND, USAJury Team: Peter Kallen [Jury Captain], Damon Clegg, Jennifer Dzienis, Patrick Long, Emily Ryan Stark
Wednesday, July 20th
@1PM ESTTRANSPORTATION DESIGNJudging location: COPENHAGEN, DENMARKJury Team: Lars Holme Larsen [Jury Captain], Peter Ingwersen, Nille Juul-Sørensen, Frederik Ottesen, Jens Martin Skibsted, Kristian von Bengtson@3PM EST
SPECULATIVE OBJECTS/CONCEPTSJudging location: PALO ALTO, USAJury Team: Branko Lukic [Jury Captain], Dominika Nell Applova, James Auger, Banny Banerjee, Nebojsa Rogic, Steve Takayama
PACKAGING Judging location: NEW YORK CITY, USAJury Team: Mark Christou, [Jury Captain], Josh Handy, Marianne Rosner Klimchuk, Joe Marianek, Melanie Wiesenthal
Friday, July 22
@12:45AM ESTDESIGN FOR SOCIAL IMPACTJudging location: AHMEDABAD, INDIAJury Team: Ashoke Chatterjee [Jury Captain], Anil K. Gupta, Dr. Vikram Parmar, Suchitra Sheth, H. Kumar VyasFrom all of us at Core77, we extend our gratitude to everyone who submitted work and participated in our inaugural year.
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