
Clampy Washy Device

Here is something you wont understand – how I could just wash a hand… sized spot. All’s I really need is that one spot cleaned on my shirt, right? I mean, the rest is clean, why not just get that big blob of goo out of there and continue on my way for the day? And I tell you what, while we’re at it, let’s make this adventure in tiny cleaning...

Kitchen of 2050

As space becomes a commodity in 2050 will we have room for a “kitchen?” The Electrolux Alinea is not defined by a room and only takes up valuable space when necessary. Moving along the ceiling using advanced polymers, the Electrolux Alinea can travel anywhere in your environment adapting to the users needs.Made of an amorphous silicon and...

Trimtab 3×3 recumbent trike

David Parrott is developing an interesting semi-enclosed recumbent trike for his Master’s thesis in Industrial Design at the University of Cincinnati DAAP. I mentioned his Trimtab 3×3 concept briefly in a previous post, but it is worth a second mention to point out that David is currently building a functional prototype of the design at Losantiville...

Book Review: Vending Machines: Coined Consumerism, by Christopher Salyers

Despite the erudite and thoughtful historical introduction and the literally hundreds of context-rich photos of machines in-situ, fate, of course, would have the Core77 team first open Christopher Salyers new book to the full-bleed photo of a Japanese "used" panty vending machine. Attacking that subject with the academic rigor it deserves...

Chiếc giày cổ 5500 tuổi

Đây là chiếc giày cổ nhất thế giới cho đến nay, nó được các nhà khảo cổ tì thấy trong một hang động ở Armenia. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho biết chiếc giày có tuổi thọ 5500 năm, được làm từ da bò với các lỗ xâu thô sơ.Chiếc Nike này được cho là có niên đại khoảng 3.500 năm trước công nguyên, cùng thời điểm với chiếc xe đạp đầu tiên được phát minh....