
:output award – call for entries

: output is the biggest international competition for students in design and architecture. The works selected by the jury will be published in the : output publication. : output Grand Prix: 3.000 Euro, Deadline for submissions: February 18 2...

Registration 2011 Skyscraper Competition

There is only one week left to register for the 2011 Skyscraper Competition. The registration deadline is January 11, 2011. So hurry up.You might also like:eVolo Skyscraper CompetitionOne of the finalist in 2010 Skyscraper Competition is from ...Young Balkan Designers 2011Young Package 2011LinkWit...

NEOS: The Future of Biking

On mean city streets, the best friend a man can have is his trusted two-wheeler motorcycle. The two-wheeler can zip through traffic and allows the rider to reach from point A to point B in the shortest time possible. Motorcycles, ranging from sports bikes to cruisers, have also been used as an individual style statement.One particular disadvantage...

Rael: a road bike concept by Evan Solida

I have posted about Evan Solida’s CervellumHindsight digital rearview camera a few times in the past. In a post last August, I mentioned that the concept is moving forward and will be ready to ship sometime this year. Accident recording capability is something that people hoped for in earlier versions of the concept, and Evan explains that...

Sắp ra mắt Liberty nội giá "sốc": 54 triệu đồng

Sau thời gian chuẩn bị, dự kiến hơn 1 tuần nữa, Liberty nội sẽ chính thức trình làng với mức giá khoảng 54-55 triệu đồng.Theo nguồn tin riêng của VTC News, mẫu xe này sẽ có mặt trên thị trường vào giữa tháng 1 với mức giá khá sốc, chỉ 54-55 triệu đồng, thấp hơn khá nhiều so với giá xe nhập đang có trên thị trường, hiện đang chênh hơn 30 triệu...

The Beast Hybrid Electric Bike by M55

The Beast offers you cool and futuristic design as well as exceptional performance. This hybrid bike is constructed from high tech frame materials, components, motor power, and battery capacity that have over the industry standard. So you can be sure this bike will exceed your expectation.The hybrid drive means that the motor is not a substitute...