
Tàu...lật ngược

Có tên gọi là EGO, thiết bị dùng để dạo chơi trên biển này vừa nổi lại vừa chìm. Hình dáng thực tế của nó như một con tàu lật ngược vì phần cabin thay vì nằm trên mặt nước lại được thiết kế chìm xuống lòng biển, xung quanh cabin là hai thân tàu nổi trên mặt nước.EGO là sản phẩm của Công ty Raonhaje (Hàn Quốc), được trang bị động cơ điện....

It’s a Bird…It’s a Plane…

Wait, no… it’s just your old stereo running for it’s life. I’m not going to school you about vinyl VS digital, but seriously, could it get any better? The Dala vinyl player’s physical form has been adapted to incorporate new flat membrane speaker technology. The speakers or “fins” make up the wing-like structure on either side of the platter....

"A Table Through the Forest," Award-winning Office Design

I so want to work here.Designed several years ago but just making the blog rounds now is this beautiful office space in Paris, by Christian Pottgiesser ArchitecturesPossibles.Dubbed "A table through the forest," Pottgiesser & co. turned a 19th-century factory into a multi-leveled wooded wonderland where trees grow through the desks, curves...

Mini Rocketman's Double-hinged Door and other Neat Tricks

Mini's new Rocketman concept has some neat features, like a double-hinged door so you can get in and out while parked in tight spaces and a rear trunk with a drawer-style door. That latter feature in particular should come in handy in urban parking situations, where some jerk is inevitably parked right up on you; with this you could stand...

Reflections on LIFT Conference 2011

All images by Ivo Näpflin, courtesy of LIFT Conference - Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 GenericA few weeks ago I was, together with about 1000 other people, in Geneva, Switzerland, to attend the 2011 LIFT conference.LIFT is really a series of events, launched in 2006 and now taking place in France, Korea and Switzerland, built around a...