
Túi nilon thông minh giúp phân biệt hàng hết hạn

Các bà nội trợ thường gặp phải tình huống khó xử là không biết thực phẩm mua về để thời gian dài còn hạn sử dụng hay không hoặc làm thế nào để biết được thực phẩm vẫn còn tươi ngon.Các nhà khoa học thuộc Đại học Strathclyde (Anh) vừa nghiên cứu một loại túi nilon thông minh. Sự gia đời của túi nilon thông minh sẽ giúp hóa giải vấn đề đau...

Xe tăng "tàng hình"

Một công ty tại Anh sẽ nghiên cứu loại xe tăng có khả năng tự biến đổi màu sắc như tắc kè để ngụy trang trong mọi điều kiện địa hình.Mô hình xe tăng có khả năng ngụy trang do công ty BAE Systems thiết kế. (Ảnh: Telegraph)Với những cảm biến điện tử gắn bên ngoài vỏ, loại xe tăng mới sẽ có khả năng ghi lại hình ảnh môi trường xung quanh. Sau...

An Illuminating Idea

The Book Light is made from a solid translucent plastic body with integrated LEDs and doubles as a bookmark. You can recharge it and set the illumination intensity using touch controls. Like any polite night owl, partake in joy of reading without disturbing others.Designer: Mikhail Staw...

Providing the Third Basic Need

Shelter is one of the three basic necessities — this is why this project exists, and this is why if it doesn’t work, something eventually must. Quoting UN Habitat, the designer of the project notes that the number of people living in slums is currently at 1 billion, and is likely to grow to 2 billion by 2030. Blocks House is an shelter project...

Bicycle VS Predator

The following bike is inspired by one of your humble narrator’s favorite films: Alien [1979 Ridley Scott]. I would say it should be more directed at the man who designed the alien itself [HR Giger] but it has a lot to do with the environment and the spaceship interiors, everything all encapsulated in one aggressive bike designed be Richard...

Picture Perfect Shot

REC is a delightful camera that gives the subject an equal opportunity to view his pose as the camera clicks the picture. A rotating display at the back of the camera slides out to show what’s being captured in the frame. It may sound like a silly idea but I’ve had many good shots ruined because I trusted the photography skills of complete...

E-Ink for Time Telling

Let’s have a glance at a watch that employs the now-famous and awesome E-Ink technology made famous by, if I’m not mistaken, the Amazon Kindle eReader. This watch is a double-down in that it uses E-ink to for both form and function, allowing the bold and radical lines to make the watch beautiful and very readily visible. This watch is made...

NAIAS 2011 :: Motor City Automotive Industry Night (MAIN)

The North American International Auto Show is the oldest, and many would argue, most important auto show in the United States. On the eve of the auto show press days, the Motor City Automotive Industry Nightdemonstrated the way a young, design program adds vitality to the industry. Design is where automotive innovation takes shape.Keith Nagara...

CreativeMornings: Milton Glaser in the SVA Theater

Milton Glaser spoke today at CreativeMornings at the School of Visual Arts. The designers able to arrive slightly late for work and students able to rub the sleep out of their eyes in the morning were in for a treat, beyond the free coffee and donuts. Glaser overflowed with so much energy and knowledge after eight decades of life that it...

CES 2011 Roundup, by Jordan Nollman

With almost 150,000 people in attendance at this year's Consumer Electronics Show, CES had the buzz of the 2007 and 2008 shows and the long lines at the convention center was a good indication that the market is booming once again.From the design perspective, there was a lot of great color material finish (CMF) examples and some interesting...

The Faltazi Lab's heavily-considered Ekokook kitchen design

Missed this one the first time around: Ekokook is a holistic kitchen design project from 2010 by The Faltazi Lab design collective, and it is more than a series of pretty renderings; these guys have done serious research, as you'll see on their website, in their bid to introduce ecologically-sound practices into the modern home.So what exactly...

CES 2011: House of Marley Audio

Audiophiles were all over the place at CES sampling and enjoying a wide range of new, high-end headphones and earbuds, many of which were endorsed or developed in collaboration with celebrities in the music, entertainment and luxury markets. With Ludacris, 50 Cent and Miles Davis-endorsed products in the ring, the line that seemed to stand...

Core77's "Sustainable Refrainables" Poster Design Competition Winners!

Congratulations to the "Sustainable Refrainables" Poster Design Competition winners as voted by the Core77 community. First place goes to the playful entry pictured above Reduce, Reuse. by framecio who wins a copy Adobe' CS5 Master Collection and $500 cash--Nice!Second place went to Buy. Bye. by Fabio Furlanis, Ivo Arzenton, and Francesca...

You design the inside, OKW Enclosures will take care of the outside

Part of the pleasure of being an industrial designer is getting to determine the exterior form of the object you're working on. But let's say you're designing an electronic gizmo--something like the scanner/signing board the UPS guy carries--and you're too consumed with the interface to deal with the form. Then what do you do?What you do...

CES 2011: ThinkEco's modlet

Sustainability was a key theme at CES this year. And, among the many eco-technovations on display, was the modlet, the modern electric outlet. Offered by ThinkEco, a NYC-based company that was founded in 2008 by a "team of concerned entrepreneurs," the modlet looks like a high-end, glossy, contemporary wall outlet. ThinkEco designed the inside...