
CES 2011 Part 1

I’m as giddy as a school girl at CES because I’m literally going to be living in the future for the next few days. The annual Consumer Electronics Show has so many products to offer that I’ll just play curator. Hit the jump!Exhibition: CES 2011 Part 1GOBIZ i-Microphone is so small you might miss it at CES but good things come in small packages....

An Analog Fan

I often like to guess what concepts are before reading descriptions because I enjoy the surprise in being totally off-base. This Analog Fan uses an old trick with gears and pulleys to generate enough power for 5 minutes of hair blowing wind. Not meant to cool a room down but it keeps air moving and all without electricity. By the way, I originally...

One Ring to Peel Them All

One can never have too many peelers because none are created equal. The Companion Ring Peeler slips onto the index finger. The outer ring peels the skin as you drag it across an apple. Will this form be good enough for tough skin fruits and veggies? Doubt it, but it looks like a practical companion for picnics and traveling. Will I buy one?...

Lock Thy Knife and Throw Away the Key

Wait a minute there is no key involved here in the Knife Locker. Apparently the knife itself is the key. It locks into position with a 270-degree counterclockwise turn and kick starts the UV sterilization process. Ready for the next use, bright and shiny! That sleek house will look good on any kitchen counter, what do you think?Designer:...

Core77 Announces Autism Connects, an International Design Student Competition!

Core77 & Autism Speaks are proud to launch Autism Connects, an international student design competition to help individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).The ChallengeDesign students are invited to produce new and innovative technology-based solutions to assist individuals with ASD in their communications with others and, in doing...

Yet another alternative design for wind farms

The neat inflatable wind turbine we looked at earlier this week solves a materials/cost problem, but it doesn't solve the eyesore problem that keeps some communities opposed to wind farms. So here comes yet another wind-harnessing solution, this time from a Japanese company called Zena: The Wind Tower.It's a design for a 50-meter tall structure...