
Design Industry Voices 2010: 56 Percent of UK Design + Digital Employees Intend to Change Job

Design Industry Voices 2010, the second report on what people in the UK design and digital industry really think and feel about the agency they work for, has been released by Fairley & Associates, Gabriele Skelton and On Pointe Marketing. Research for the report was carried out online between October 15-25, 2010.Over Half of Respondents...

Groegg - Color Changing Thermometer

The cool new Groegg is a digital room thermometer for a nursery that changes color with the temperature to help you maintain a safe sleeping environment for the baby. Studies have shown that to help prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), a baby's bedroom should be maintained between 61-67°F and this innovative thermometer glows blue...

Quantum Leap Custom – “quái vật” hai bánh

Sự ra đời của mẫu xế khủng Quantum Leap Custom chính là minh chứng điển hình cho sức sáng tạo không giới hạn của con người.Mặc dù không giành được giải nhất mà chỉ "cán đích" với vị trí thứ 7 nhưng Quantum Leap Custom cũng đủ sức tạo một điểm nhấn thật đặc biệt tại Giải vô địch xế độ AMD 2010. Là một phần của dự án do công ty Hardly Civilized...

Using “Pull Lightly” Plug, You Are Safe To Pull The Electric Cord To Unplug

Even though it’s not safe to pull off the electric cord when you want to unplug, yet so many people still do that. The only reason to keep on doing this dangerous thing is simply because of its convenience. Well, since to some lazy people it’s really hard to change this bad habit, this industrial designersuggested a new concept for power...

Mr. Waiter With Charming Smile Is Ready To Serve

Hey Mr. Waiter, could you hold my drink for a minute? and this cute little guy just smile politely raise his arm and hold my drink. Mr. Waiter is the perfect complement to your party. He will hold drinks and food as long as it takes, nocomplaint, and no need to give him a tip! This product is made of plastic for high durability and low maintenance.Designer...

“Spa” tại gia - Đơn giản, hiệu quả

Là phụ nữ ai cũng mong muốn có một thân hình thon thả, gọn gàng và một làn da đẹp, trắng sáng, không tỳ vết. Bên cạnh các sản phầm làm đẹp như kem dưỡng da, các nhà khoa học còn cho ra đời các thiết bị chăm sóc sắc đẹp rất tiện dụng và hiệu quả phục vụ chị em, trong đó không thể không nhắc đến những nhãn hiệu tên tuổi đang có mặt trên thị...

Tàu cao tốc có thể đạt tốc độ 500 km/giờ trở lên

Tại Hội nghị thế giới về tàu cao tốc lần thứ bảy mới đây ở Bắc Kinh, ông Zhang Shuguang - một chuyên gia của Bộ Đường sắt Trung Quốc cho hay, nước này có công nghệ chế tạo tàu hỏa cao tốc có thể đạt vận tốc từ 500 km/giờ trở lên vào năm 2050.Con tàu mang số hiệu CRH-380A. (Nguồn: Xinhua)Ông Zhang cho biết, tại cuộc chạy thử nghiệm trên tuyến...

ICONICSTAND, This is Not Shop Class

In Seoul Korea a small studio called O’LIVEFACTORY is carving out a niche in the market. The brain child, one Kenny Cho, who nearly gave up ID, decided to return to his boyhood dream of designing products in his early retirement. Operating on sustainable practices, their first product is the ICONICSTAND, a desktop iPhone 4 stand made of birch,...

No Fruit Allowed

Welcome to a portable cooking experience like you’ve, perhaps maybe, never seen before. This is “Roll-Up”, an induction cooktop which separates induction coils and electronic circuits in order to make a very thin, very elegant solution for mobile cooking. Each coil is made small enough so that the heating part of the Roll-Up can be folded....

Yo! C77 Board Alert: Skeuomorphic Design

there is an interesting discussion is picking up steam over in the discussion forum on Skeuomorphic Design. Long time poster "Slippyfish"defines a skeuomorph as a derivative object which retains ornamental design cues to a structure that was necessary in the original. This really ranges from things like ornamental shutters on a new home that...

Core77 Community Challenge: Cardboard Christmas - Deadline Extended!

Okay, we know you're busy! We know you really meant to get an entry in! But somewhere between picking yourself off the floor at the office holiday party at 3 in the morning, apologizing to the new girl and banging out one more caffeine-fueled email promising the client the file tomorrow, you neglected to do the one thing you really really...

Bresslergroup designs a new way to clean

In his one-man show "Long Story Short," where comedian Colin Quinn recounts the history of the world in 75 minutes, he does a wickedly funny bit about the lengths illegal immigrants will go through to arrive in a disappointing America. The gist of it is that they'll swim rivers, climb mountains and run down roads to get here--then get a job...

Tonite! at the Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club: Joey Roth, Industrial Designer!

We're back in Portland this week recovering from our smash NYC Curiosity Club event with Zach Liberman and are happy to bring you *tonight* Joey Roth of Ceramic Speaker, Sorapot, and Talk/Work Posterfame!5:30 PMHand-Eye Supply23 NW 4th Avenue (btwn. Burnside and Couch)Portland, OregonAs always we'll be broadcasting live in this space if you...