
“bò” trên quái xe Tron Lightcycle

(24h) - Nhà sản xuất Parker Brothers Choppers của Mỹ vừa công bố ra mắt chiếc xe mô tô vô cùng đặc biệt với tên gọi Tron Lightcycle, dự kiến sẽ ra mắt vào ngày 17 tháng 12 tới.Chiếc xe đặc biệt này có bộ khung được chế tạo hoàn toàn bằng thép, thân xe được làm bằng chất liệu sợi thủy tinh đặc biệt, cùng đó là một động cơ V-twin lấy từ...

Giày radar giúp định vị chính xác khu vực mù tín hiệu

Sự phổ biến của hệ thống GPS giúp việc đi lại của con người ngày càng thuận tiện tuy nhiên, tại một số khu vực mù tín hiệu, hệ thống GPS rất khó khăn định vị chính xác mục tiêu. Đây luôn là vấn đề nan giải trong nghiên cứu của giới khoa học. Ảnh...

Christmas Gifts For Your Folks!

I came across this beautiful quote about how Christmas is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas. Tis’ the season of giving they say. What do you plan to gift your loved ones with this year? Here’s a list I’ve complied of some thoughtful items, maybe something from it will strike a cord and bring you and...

Music In My Head

Here’s a wild idea that takes creating music to another level! Imagine having a DAP that instinctively registers the beats of your finger-drumming, or translates your air-guitar antics to pleasurable music? Frostie, a concept by none other than Mac Funamizu, could be a revolutionary tool in making melodies from your hands. Listen to...

In The Spotlight

My alter ego lives in the spotlight. He absolutely craves it. In fact if he had his own place, he’d probably buy something like the TOP SPOT designed by Cristiano of Note Design Studio for RYDENS Lighting. It’s clean, ultra modern and each light pivots to put the shine just in the right place. My alter ego is an aesthetic statement so...

Advanced Walking

Welcome to the future of walking support, so says Andres Sebastian Sanchez. This is a multifunctional walking helper for moving side to side, forward, and backward, not to mention that super little seat for taking a rest. Folding down is meant to be simple, and multiple assembly configurations are possible. Different heights, positions,...

Why Do So Many Designs or Products Look The Same?

Ever wonder why so many products look the same? On the surface, it may appear designers have found the ideal form factor so there’s no need to change anything, but there’s more than meets the eye. The reasons are deeply rooted and the key to breaking the mold is to first understand why. Hit the jump!Contributing Editor: Brian LingI’m surprised...

"Clock for an Architect" by Daniel Weil

Perhaps best known for the critical dismantling and reassembling of transistor radios in the early 80's, Daniel Weil has rediscovered his fascination for reducing objects to their component parts, whilst working on this private commission to create a gift for an architect.Broken up into five distinct elements, the object demonstrates Weil's...

Kyle Runciman's Sketch demos

You've gotta have some good hands to get your work on the cover of an Autodesk product, and Kyle Runciman's got good hands. You might recognize his art, above, from the box that Alias Sketch comes in.Kyle taught one of the Autodesk University Sketch classes we sat in on, and was kind enough to forward Core77 some footage of three beginning-to-end...

Autodesk University 2010 coverage: Chris Cheung on the different Sketch programs

Chris Cheung is the man responsible for Autodesk's entire Sketch line of products: SketchBook Mobile (cell phones), SketchBook Pro (tablets and desktops) and the new SketchBook Designer 2011 (desktops), which combines both raster and vector technologies and replaces Alias Sketch. Cheung's job is tough: How do you design drawing software in a way that can make people more creative across...

AU 2010 Exhibition: The experimental Mixed Reality Interface table

A glimpse inside the Autodesk skunkworks: Here Senior Manager Jason Medal-Katz demonstrates an experimental interface design, the MRI (Mixed Reality Interface). As he explains, the technology used for the actual interface is pretty simple--it's two Lucite rods with printouts stuck to the bottom, which a camera reads through the tabletop--but we love the way they've put the invisible technology...

Book: "Aircraft" by Le Corbusier

It was 1997, I was 20 years old, wandering around random Milan back streets when I stumbled into a little architecture bookstore and picked up the only book on the front table in english, "Aircraft" by Le Corbusier. Written in 1935, I'd argue there hasn't been a better book written on design since. It masquerades as a book on emerging aircraft...