
Robot thương hiệu Việt

Ở tuổi 29, Hồ Vĩnh Hoàng, tổng giám đốc Công ty cổ phần Robotics Tosy (đường Láng, Hà Nội), đã sở hữu Topio - robot dáng người biết đánh bóng bàn và đĩa bay Tosy - loại đồ chơi công nghệ cao đã xuất khẩu trên 10 nước.Hồ Vĩnh Hoàng bên robot Topio 3.0 có thể đánh bóng bàn. (Ảnh: Phi Long)Hoàng đầy mơ ước khi nói về những kế hoạch sắp tới của...

Tea for Two

The Yin & Yang is a teapot designed for two people. So if one person prefers green and the other prefers red – you can prepare both of them inside this teapot . The spouts even double as the handle. Cool idea and looks quite beautiful too. Great opportunity here to show very contrasting teas.Designer: Ewa Sende...

2011 Electrolux Design Lab Compettiton – Are You Ready For Intelligent Mobility

One of the most nail-biting moments of my life was seeing the 8 Finalists of 2010 Electrolux Design Lab explaining their projects to some very inquisitive judges. It is one thing to just submit concepts on paper for evaluation and another thing to defend your views, stand your ground and come out triumphant! This is what Electrolux Design Lab is all about, standing up for your convictions!...

Braille Punch Sticker

The Braille Punch Sticker reminds me of the Label Maker we saw two years ago. Like all processes, innovation sometimes comes in refinements. This one comes in a sleeker package, no cumbersome wheel and an easy punching mechanism. What remains the same is the sticker aspect. Neat!Designers: Kim Joonmin, Kim Seonil & Lee Eun...

Lofty Fruit and Plant Storage

So you’ve got some tiny plants and you’ve got a few bananas and orange you need stored somewhere in your kitchen but you just cant find the space, right? Check this design out. It’s called Cocoon and it’s made for kitchen storage. It’s made to be a storage unit that combines decoration, storage, and cultivation for the kitchen and the kitchen...

The 2011 iF concept design Showcase on Yanko Design – Part V

Today marks the end of the 2011 iF concept design Showcase. The results will be out soon and all our best wishes to the 300 students who have made the cut. The final lap has some conversational pieces, like the broom that snaps up tall or the innovative currency coin redesign. Let us know project caught your fancy! Incase you need to refresh...