
Blackbird Mercedes Goes Tron

This is no run-of-the-mill Mercedes. This is a design exercise that pays homage to Mercedes-Benz’s racing history. The streamlined body is supposed to evoke airplanes, speed and movement. I love looking at exploratory sketches because you can get a feel on what designer Peter Vardai was thinking. As he evolved each shape, the decision to...

Water Weighs All

Instead of using all that precious and energy-wasting metal in the construction of a scale, why not use water? That’s what the designer of this fabulous project thought, then he brought it to life – Water Scale, a scale that uses Archimedes’ Principle in a simple container to create just what he thought of in his mind.The object that is to...

Ironing with Ceramic

The precepts of ironing hasn’t changed much. Take a hot flat surface and apply it to textiles to relax the fibers. Sometimes you use steam to crease and set them but if you step back, there’s still room for improvement. The “Easy Ironing” concept lets you define how much ironing you want to do and in turns tells you how much water to use;...

Design Stinking, a POV on Design Thinking by Cheryl Heller

Cheryl Heller posted a fantastic point of view on the Design Thinking movement. One which aligns with my personal take but instead of posting my interpretation, I'll just let her tell it:..."Instead of making design a more integral, universal and respected part of business, it creates another silo, another separation. Another category of...

Recycling bin design with a suggestive lid

My biggest pet peeve about cleaning up the photo studio I run is picking other people's trash out of the recycling bin. Yes, it's a waste pail just like the garbage pail, but is it not clear that this one's for bottles and that one is for your half-finished pizza, you freaking Philistine?So I'm digging Qualy Design's recycling bin, which...