Bicycling Science book giveaway
Looking back at the reports for the Bicycle Design Amazon store, it is clear that the book Bicycling Science is the best seller of the items I have listed. I am glad to see that, because it is definitely the first book that I would recommend to anyone interested in the design and engineering of bicycles (followed by Archibald Sharpe’s 1896 Bicycles and Tricycles). Originally published in 1982 by The MIT Press, Bicycling Science by Frank Rowland Whitt and David Gordon Wilson is now in its 3rd edition. Richard Ballantine called it, “the ultimate fundamentals book in cycle science” and went on to say, “for anyone with a deep interest in cycling science and human power, this book is simply essential.”
Cleaning my office this week, I found an extra copy of the book (the 2nd edition printed in 1988). Since I don’t really need two copies, I am going to give it away one to a Bicycle Design reader. All you have to do is follow Bicycle Design on Twitter or like theFacebook page then just mention this post in either place. I will pick a random winner one week from today (Thursday, July 1st at 12:00pm EST) and ship my extra copy of the book to that person. Some of you may be thinking, “great…a used 20 year old paperback. What is that, like a 2 dollar value?” Well, don’t worry, I found a couple other old (um…I mean classic) books, during my cleanup, so I’ll throw in at least one other book as well. Sure it is not as good as a free bike, but I do think the books will interest any of you who read this blog on a regular basis. Good luck!
Bicycle Design
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