Open for Branding Week 6: We Heard You!

Continuum continues their series Open for Branding, where they are sharing, from start to finish, their latest branding project for the new, nomadic Design Museum Boston.
Wow. Last week, we posted our Design Museum Boston branding concepts for feedback, and more than 1700 people checked out our survey and 274 completed it. The greatest part: everyone aligned--Continuum, Design Museum Boston, and you—on which directions were the strongest.

The open participation enabled us to get a lot more opinions and perspectives on the work. Both the teams from Continuum and Design Museum Boston found it really helpful to have more voices. It brings to the fore issues that may have been niggling or something you may have overlooked--the work gets put through a more rigorous critique. At Continuum, we like that. In every project, there are issues and challenges, and it's better to address them sooner rather than later.
Check out our graph outlining the participation and the three directions we'll be developing from here. Keep in mind that the concepts we showed last week were just that--rough concepts, or ideas, to develop much more deeply. In the next stage, these marks will change significantly to address the design needs and challenges.
Next week, we'll be showing you the three developed concepts in a much more refined stage. We'll be asking you to weigh in again with your point of view on which hits our strategic goals best. Stay tuned.

See the prior posts from this series:
Open for Branding Week 5: Concepts Presentation
Open for Branding Week 4: The Calm Before the Storm
Open for Branding Week 3: Exploring the Possibilities
Open for Branding Week 2: Look Before You Leap
Open For Branding Week 1: Continuum's transparent design project for Design Museum Boston
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