Vienna Design Week 2010: The Bulb Fiction Show
In the Hernals neighborhood of Vienna, we visited the Bulb Fiction show at the KlausEngelhorn Depot. Selections from the collections of Klaus Engelhorn and Michael Turkiewicz lighting objects from the late 1960s to the early 1970s were exhibited amongst a range of newly commissioned and contemporary lighting designs by various designers from the present day.
A selection of Vienna-based designers were asked to create a light source loosely based on the question, 'What will happen to lamp designs when incandescent bulbs run out?,' suggesting the impending demise of the incandescent lamp and its transition to the energy saving variety.

POLKA introduced their oversized pearl necklace-like prototype lamp entitled Perlenlicht. As explained by Monica Singer of POLKA herself:
The over dimensional pearl necklace as a wall-mounted light object, [ ] plays with changing the dimension and the context of an object of daily life, the pearl necklace, as well as its reference to traditional Viennese staircase lighting, is a simple glass globe.
Also on display were claassen & partner's Van Zipper light; a light source that can adapt its strength according to how mayn zips are open, and PRINZGAU/podgorschek's 'Kreis -Kugell - Zufall' chandelier produced by renowned glass manufacturers J&L Lobmeyer
Other pieces included Michael Anastassiades' Kinetic -2 Pendulum Lamp, Charlotte Dumoncel d'Argence' Vanitas Lamp, NEXT architects & Aura Luz Melis,' Slow Glow Lamp, Tejo Remy's Milk Bottle, Florence Doléac, Joel Degermark, Lonneke Gordijn/Drift, Rody Graumans, Stuart Haygarth, Tomas Hoke, Chris Kabel and Marcus Tremonto.
Photo credit: kollektiv fischka
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