2P : The Future Of Portable Multi-User Restrooms
During outdoor events such as music festival, concerts, fairs, etc I find it’s really hard to find the restroom area. Even when I finally find it, there are like 20 to 30 people waiting in line. Some even can’t wait and do their business on the nearest hidden structure. Just imagine the nasty urine smell. 2P should be our next generation of portable restrooms. It’s been designed specifically to counter the issues arise due to massive people at popular outdoor festivals. 2P allows 2 people using 1 single unit to do their business simultaneously into the same tank. It helps reducing waiting times by redirecting most of the male to the back side of the units where they are able to start and finish much more rapidly than before.
Designer : Kevin Cheng
2P can accommodate more users with fewer units thus reducing the amount of space and cost. The 2P’s curvature design, integrated into both its overall form and into its structural support are reminiscent of water and gentle waves when multiple units are placed side by side. Arranged in these rows, the 2P creates not only a natural private space for male users, but each adjacent unit provides privacy for the individual.
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