
Philips Wins Red Dot Design Award for Jump LED Luminaire

Philips has received Red Dot for its Jump luminaire from Philips Ledalite. Jump is a high performance direct luminaire which combines architectural elements, integrated technologies and patented optics in a contemporary form with a innovative new luminous endcap. Featuring Philips Ledalite's unique LEDLOGIQ design approach, Jump uses MesoOptics...

Reptilian Roadster

Long is right, vehicles are getting more and more lifelike! Check out the crocodilian face from the front view of the Reptile and you’ll see what I mean. This race car crosses over to the streets with it’s hybrid 4-pole electric induction/27000CC Wankel engine that develops more than 700HP at 9000 RPMs. Rawr.Designer: Arturo Ar...

Just Pure Water

Look at the irony in nature, the very same river that quenches your thirst turns into a toxic monster once it floods your city. The Health Light is a solar powered system that looks at alleviating such situations. You simply need to set up the purifier in bacteria contaminated water and let it do its work. Pretty soon it detoxifies a considerable...

30 Days of Simple, Win simplehuman Products!

There’s design and then there’s smart design. simplehuman falls into the latter. I’ve been a huge fan ever since I decided my daily menial tasks could be more efficient simply by getting “simple.” When objects take up too much space and design isn’t used to improve one’s quality of life, you end up with stressors. simplehuman “gets” it and...

Core77 Design Awards: 3 Days Left to get the Early Bird Discount...

Enter the Core77 Design Awards by Thursday March 31st and not only will you be putting your work in front of an exciting line-up of judges, you'll also be eligible for the nifty 20% Early Bird discount.The awards are open to professionals, students and DIYers around the world. We've added several new features to the awards program, not the...

More Great Concept Work from Mac Funamizu: The Zimmer Phone, the Peel Notifier

It still rankles me when I think of the ignorant blogger who months ago insisted Apple had "reached the limits of industrial design" with the iPhone 4, his idiotic assertion being that Cupertino's glass rectangle could sustain no further modifications.What a tool.Case in point, check out Mac Funamizu's latest concept phone, which manages...

"30 Days of Simple" Promo: Win Free Simplehuman Products

I love the stuff put out by Simplehuman, that purveyor of useful stainless steel objects. And now they're running a promotional where 30 of you (or hopefully, 29 of you and one of me) can win some of their product.The 30 Days of Simple website has a simple premise: Click on one of their objects, watch a micro-video about it, then enter your...

Autism Connects Challenge: Get Your Entries In!!

Just a quick reminder to all students to get your entries in TODAY for ourAutism Connects student design challenge! Our distinguished panel of judges, which includes Yves Behar (fuseproject), Lisa Strausfeld (Pentagram), Richard Seymour (Seymourpowell) and our own Allan Chochinov, is eagerly awaiting your entries. Don't miss this opportunity...

Book Review: Usefulness in Small Things, by Kim Colin and Sam Hecht

"Each Under a Fiver item is a testament to an un-global culture, a testament to local needs and interests. Communities around the world continue to require things that serve their local needs, and often design plays little to no part at all."In Usefulness in Small Things, Industrial Facility's Kim Colin and Sam Hecht share their "Under a...


Find Your Bike

Have you ever paced up and down a rack of bicycles trying to remember where you locked yours up at? The Acousto Optical Lock is a steel ripe style cable lock that sends out an audio signal and lights up when you press a key fob. Great idea!Designer: Liu...

More Than a Cyber Café

I’m embarrassed to admit it but I was one of the first people to criticize the concept of cyber cafés and even bet they wouldn’t last. To cut the story short, I had to swallow my words and I’m here to make amends. What we have here is the Biz Café – a concept targeted towards the jet-set workaholics who need gadget ready environments even...