30 Days of Simple, Win simplehuman Products!
There’s design and then there’s smart design. simplehuman falls into the latter. I’ve been a huge fan ever since I decided my daily menial tasks could be more efficient simply by getting “simple.” When objects take up too much space and design isn’t used to improve one’s quality of life, you end up with stressors. simplehuman “gets” it and they’ve launched a new campaign where all of you can get it too – 30 Days of Simple.
It’s an interactive and fun giveaway created to engage you with simplehuman products and have the chance to win prizes! Just watch any of the videos and submit your email address to be eligible. Every day, beginning April 1, someone will win. Don’t sleep on this people. Bookmark the site and tell your friends. Personally I want to win the Sensor Can below.
Learn & Win: 30 days of simple
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