
YikeBike Super Light Electric Folding Bike Releases New Fusion Model

Posted on Thứ Bảy, tháng 5 28, 2011 by Pro-ID group

An innovative Fusion Model has been unveiled by the Christchurch Company that already developed the electric folding YikeBike. This new model is slightly heavy than the innate carbon fibre bike, however it is slightly lighter on the pocket. While the archetype is made out of carbon fibre, the Fusion frame as well as the structural parts are made out of alloy and strengthened polymer composite, which clearly marks the differentiation between the two. Weight approximately 14kg in comparison to the 10.8kg carbon fibre bike, the Fusion bile costs just US$2000, much cheaper than the carbon fiber bike which sells for US$3000. People always wanted to buy a bike via adistributor so that they could test the same. This was the main reason for why the company unveiled the Fusion model at a much lower price point. Nevertheless, the fusion model would certainly meet the demands of the people. The YikeBike was groundbreaking at a concept and at execution level, with soundprograms to drive mass market adoption, said the judges.

Designers : Peter Higgins and Lincoln Sell

YikeBike Super Light Electric Folding Bike Fusion Model

YikeBike Super Light Electric Folding Bike Fusion Model

YikeBike Super Light Electric Folding Bike Fusion Model

YikeBike Super Light Electric Folding Bike Fusion Model

YikeBike Super Light Electric Folding Bike Fusion Model

YikeBike Super Light Electric Folding Bike Fusion Model

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