OPTI Driverless Taxi For London in 2025 by Paul Piliste
The rising cost of fuel has become a big matter of concern these days. Adding up to this is the increasing amount of pollution in the city, all of which contributes to depleting the quality of air. Perhaps, 55 percent of UK emissions results from cars and taxis, while the remaining from coal burning as well as lorry exhaust. To deal with such situations, OPTI driverless taxi intends to create another mode of transport that not onlyreduces emissions but transports people within city environments. This project has been proposed for people commuting to London. The concept is pretty simple. This vehicle, acting as a taxi or bus, would have hire points at central bus as well as train stations. Lithium ion batteries located within the chassis floor is the main source of power for the vehicle. The shape of the vehicle is small as to accommodate for short voyages. The seating position has been designed to be upright instead of laid back to design a smaller vehicle.
Designer : Paul Piliste
Another interesting feature of this vehicle is that, it is equipped with satellite navigation, proximity lasers, parking sensors as well as cameras, which make the OPTI, available 24 hours a day. The payment method appears to be via credit or debit card, generally verified using 3G. This purges robbery of the vehicle. Perhaps, the 3G is used to check the vehicles location for safety purpose. Even though OPTI driverless taxi is intended for 2025, I’m sure it’s going to take longer to make this public transportation becomes reality.
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