Electrolux Design Lab: The Final Countdown
We have been tracking the Top 25 of Electrolux Design Lab entries here on YD and now it’s time to reveal the Final Eight. The booty at the end of the rainbow for the deserving winner will be 5000 Euros and a six-month paid internship at the Electrolux Global Design Center. Every young designer who is just starting out knows that adding this internship to his resume is going to carry a lot of weight. While I wish all the 8 finalists best of luck, I’d also like to remind the YD readers that I’ve written in detail about 4 of these designs earlier, and pretty soon I’ll be covering the rest, just to know your views. Those of you who missed the CNN Coverage can view it on the Yanko Design Facebook Page.
The Snail – Micro Induction Heating by Peter Alwin
The Kitchen Hideaway by Daniel Dobrogorsky
External Refrigerator by Nicolas Hubert
Dismount Washer- Wash & Go Laundry by Lichen Guo
Eco Cleaner by Ahi Andy Mohsen
Elements Modular Kitchen by Mathew Gilbride
Clean Closet by Michael Edenius
Bio Robot Refrigerator byYuriy Dmitriev
Yanko design
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